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[영문] 지카바이러스감염증 영문 안내
  • 작성일2016-11-30
  • 최종수정일2021-04-15
  • 작성자감염병감시과
  • 연락처043-719-7170
[영문] 지카바이러스감염증  영문 안내 사진6
[영문] 지카바이러스감염증  영문 안내 사진7
[영문] 지카바이러스감염증  영문 안내 사진8
(2016. 11. 15.) Logo for MoHW and KCDC

How is Zika virus transmitted?
Zika virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito, not by the casual contact with an infected person.
We also continue to receive case reports of transmission through blood transfusion and sexual contact.

What are the symptoms of Zika virus infection?
Joint pain
Muscle pain
Red eyes

Symptoms typically begin 2 to 14 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.
Symptoms are usually mild (approximately 80 percent of cases show no symptom) and last for 2 to 7 days.

Babies with microcephaly* have been reported among mothers infected with Zika virus during pregnancy.
*a condition in which a baby’s head is smaller than expected when compared to babies of the same age and sex

Which countries have reported Zika virus infection?

Active, widespread transmission continue in countries in North and South Americas and Asia.
For the latest list of affected countries, visit the KCDC Homepage (www.kdca.go.kr) or KCDC Travelers' Health Information Center site (http://travelinfo.kdca.go.kr).

What can I do to prevent Zika virus infection?
Avoid mosquito bites
Stay at accommodations with screened windows and doors
Use mosquito repellents and insecticides
Use mosquito nets at night

What should I do after visiting countries with Zika virus infection case reports?
Visit healthcare facilities for medical consultation and notify your travel history if you develop symptoms within 2 weeks after return.

For pregnant women : We recommend to postpone your travel to countries with Zika virus infection case reports.
*Visit healthcare facilities for medical consultation if you must travel during pregnancy.

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites* during Your Travel Overseas
(*Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus)

Avoid Mosquitos at Your Accommodations

Use window screens
Use mosquito nets at night

Avoid Mosquitos In Outdoors

Wear bright-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants
Use mosquito repellents and insecticides
Wash away mosquito repellents after outdoor activities

For pregnant women : We recommend to postpone your travel to countries with Zika virus infection case reports.
*Visit healthcare facilities for medical consultation if you must travel during pregnancy.

Personal Preventive Recommendations for Zika Virus Infection

For General Public
Before Travel
Check for the latest list of affected countries at KCDC Homepage (www.kdca.go.kr) or KCDC Travelers' Health Information Center site (http://travelinfo.kdca.go.kr).
Prepare mosquito repellents, insecticides and bright-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants

During Travel
Stay in a place with good air conditioning and screened windows and doors
Wear bright-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants
Use mosquito repellents and insecticides
Use mosquito nets to screen baby stroller

After Travel
Avoid mosquito bites for 1 month after return
Do NOT donate your blood for 1 month after return
Abstrain from sex or use condom correctly and consistently for at least 6 months after return
Visit healthcare facilities for medical consultation and notify your travel history if you develop symptoms within 2 weeks after return.

For pregnant women : We recommend to postpone your travel to countries with Zika virus infection case reports.
*Visit healthcare facilities for medical consultation if you must travel during pregnancy.
After travel, continue to get your prenatal check-up regularly.
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