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긴급상황실(Emergency Operations Center, EOC) 소개
  • 작성일2020-01-10
  • 최종수정일2020-02-13
  • 작성자위기대응생물테러총괄과
  • 연락처043-719-9302
상세설명 아래참조
KCDC EOC 질병관리본부 긴급상황실 (Emergency Operation Center)

긴급상황센터는 감염병 위기상황의 모든 단계를 관리하는 질병관리본부 내 센터로, 평시에는 위기상황 대비를 위한 기획, 교육, 훈련, 국제협력 및 자원관리 등의 업무를 추진합니다.

시설 연면적은 3,271m2(지하 1층, 지상 3층)로 1층에는 긴급상황실과 검역지원과, 2층에는 위기대응생물테러총괄과와 신종감염병대응과, 3층에는 자원관리과로 구성되어 있습니다.

긴급상황센터는 메르스, 에볼라병등 신종감염병대비 대응과 생물테러, 재난, 군중행사대응을 합니다.

긴급상황센터는 위기대응생물테러총괄과, 검역지원과, 자원관리과, 위기분석국제협력과, 신종감염병대응과로 나뉩니다

위기대응생물테러총괄과에 긴급상황실이 있으며 상황실장1명, 운영팀장1명, 상황요원17명(공무원6명, 공무직 11명), 4개조 24시간 교대근무를 하고 있습니다.

긴급상황실 현장 견학 안내
긴급상황센터 조직 및 근무 상황
  1. 위기대응실(Main room) - 중앙방역대책본부 운영, 총괄팀 등 비상근무자 70명 수용가능
  2. 상황판단실(Decision room) - 감염병 위기평가회의 등 주요 회의 진행 공간
  3. 상황관리실(Operation room) - 24시간 교대 상황요원 근무, 감염병 신고접수 및 중앙방역대책본부 지원업무 수행
  4. 교육훈련실(Training room) - 내외부 감염병 위기상황 교육훈련 실시
상세설명 아래참조
Welcome to the KCDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

The EOC was established in January 2016 as part of the reforms made in September 2015 to national health policy following the MERS-CoV outbreak in the Republic of Korea. Initially located in a tentative space, a separate, designated facility was newly built and officially opened in March 2019. Serving as the national control tower to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the public from public health emergencies due to infectious disease, the EOC is operated 24/7/365. Its core functions include early detection and rapid response to public health emergencies, as well as information sharing and real-time communication with respective agencies. Emergency response systems are also in place to rapidly and effectively prepare for potential public health emergencies during natural disasters or mass gatherings, such as the Olympics.

* EOC Overview
  • Collaborative space for around 100 experts for infectious diseases during public health emergencies
  • Designated Operations Management Room, Decision Room, Training Room, and Main Room
  • Equipped with screens displaying real-time information and video conference systems for communication
Reporting and Response System for Infectious Disease Emergencies

Upon receiving reports of suspected infectious disease cases from 1339 call center, medical facilities, or other agencies, the EOC immediately assesses the situation and responds rapidly to support local governments, cooperating with the respective divisions, accordingly. If needed, KCDC’s Incident Management System(IMS) can be activated through the Internal Risk Assessment Meeting, with appropriate response actions taken based on the activation level.

EOC Activation Levels

The EOC can be activated in response to confirmed domestic cases of MERS, ebola virus, and other emerging infectious diseases; infectious diseases due to bioterrorism or of unknown cause; and infectious diseases during natural disasters or mass gatherings. There are three different activation levels, depending on the scale of the event.

  • Level 1(YELLOW) : Lowest activation level, KCDC centers pertinent to the public health event lead the response with the assistant from the Center for Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response
  • Level 2(ORANGE) : All KCDC centers conduct cooperative response measures cooperating with the Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Level 3(RED) : The highest activation level, requiring government-wide response with cooperation across all ministries and agencies
Previous EOC Responses
  • 2016 Zika Virus and Brazil Rio Olympics TF
  • 2017 AI Human Infection and U-20 World Cup TF
  • 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics norovirus IMS
  • 2018 MERS response IMS
본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.