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[대응지침9판] 코로나19 증상이 나타나면 10가지 행동수칙을 꼭 지켜주세요(21개 언어)
  • 작성일2020-07-01
  • 최종수정일2020-08-10
  • 작성자위기소통담당관
  • 연락처043-719-7784

※ 홍보자료 파일(png, pdf, ai)은 하단 '첨부'를 통해 이용 바랍니다. 

※ 본 자료의 상업적 이용(상품화, 판매행위 등)을 절대 금합니다.

※ 본 시안(소스 포함)을 코로나19 예방홍보 목적이 아닌 타 콘텐츠 개발 용도로의 사용을 절대 금합니다.

 ※ 제작물의 규격, 활용 매체, 확산 방법 등에 따른 크기조정(리사이징) 및 활용처(기업, 기관 등)의 '로고' 추가만 가능*합니다.

                                                                       *코로나19 긴급 상황 한시적 허용

   - 질병관리본부 로고, 예방수칙 내용(문구), '발행일(게시일)' 등 시안수정 및 내용삭제를 절대 금합니다.

   - 픽토그램(그림)의 변형 및 2차 활용을 절대 금합니다.

"감염병 사례정의 및 발생동향 등에 따라 홍보자료가 최신본으로 지속적 업데이트 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다."

  - 자주 확인하시어, 최신 홍보자료를 활용해주세요. -

지역사회 예방 협력 및 감염병 확산 차단을 위한 관심과 동참에 감사드립니다. 

대응지침 제9판 부록5 유증상자 10대 수칙 코로나19 증상*이 나타나면, 10가지 행동수칙을 꼭 지켜주세요 *코로나19 주요 증상 발열 (37.5도 이상), 기침, 호흡곤란, 오한, 근육통, 두통, 인후통, 후각미각손실 또는 폐렴 등 1. 외출, 등교, 출근을 하지 않고 집에서 쉬기 2. 의료기관 진료가 있으며 사전에 코로나19 임상증상이 있다고 알려주기 3. 코로나19 임상증상이 지속되거나 증상이 심해지는지 관찰하기 4. 발열이 지속되거나 증상이 심해지면, 1. 콜센터(1339,지역번호+120), 보건소로 문의하기 2. 선별진료소를 우선 방문하여 진료받기 *응급상황으로 119구급차 이용 시 코로나19 임삼증상이 있다고 알려주세요. 5. 의료기관 방문 시 가급적 자기 차량을 이용하고, 반드시 마스크 착용하기 6. 흐르는 물에 비누로 손을 30초 이상 꼼꼼하게 자주 씻기 7. 기침이나 재채기할 때 옷소매나 휴지로 입과 코를 가리기 8. 독립된 공간에서 생활하고, 가족 또는 함께 거주하는 분과 거리두기(2m) 하기 9. 개인물품(개인용 수건, 식기류, 휴대전화 등)은 따로 사용하기 10. 자주 접촉하는 표면을 매일 청소, 소독하기 코로나19와의 장기전, 흔들림 없이 함께 하면 이겨낼 수 있습니다. 2020.07.01.

▲ 한국어

COVID-19 Response Guidelines, 9th Edition, Appendix 5: 10 Guidelines for people with Symptoms If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please keep these 10 guidelines *Major symptoms of COVID-19 fever (37.5°C/99.5°F or higher), cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, and pneumonia cough cough 1. Do not go to school or work and avoid going out; stay home and rest. 2. When making medical appointments, notify your healthcare provider that you are showing clinical symptoms of COVID-19. 3. Monitor if clinical symptoms persist or get worse. 4. If fever persists or symptoms worsen, ① Dial the KCDC Call Center at (1333, local area code + 120) or your local health center for inquiries ② Visit a screening clinic and have a health care provider look at you * When using an ambulance by dialing 119, notify the operator that you show clinical symptoms of COVID-19 5. Use a personal vehicle and wear a facemask when visiting a healthcare facility. 6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 30 seconds. 7. Cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. 8. Isolate your living space. Always maintain a distance of 2m from family or roommates you live with. 9. Do not share your personal items with others. Use separate towels, tableware, and cellphones. 10. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Together, we stand resolute in the fight against COVID-19 2020.7.13.

▲ 영어·중국어·일본어

COVID-19 Response Guidelines, 9th Edition, Appendix 5: 10 Guidelines for people with Symptoms If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please keep these 10 guidelines *Major symptoms of COVID-19 fever (37.5°C/99.5°F or higher), cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, and pneumonia cough cough 1. Do not go to school or work and avoid going out; stay home and rest. 2. When making medical appointments, notify your healthcare provider that you are showing clinical symptoms of COVID-19. 3. Monitor if clinical symptoms persist or get worse. 4. If fever persists or symptoms worsen, ① Dial the KCDC Call Center at (1333, local area code + 120) or your local health center for inquiries ② Visit a screening clinic and have a health care provider look at you * When using an ambulance by dialing 119, notify the operator that you show clinical symptoms of COVID-19 5. Use a personal vehicle and wear a facemask when visiting a healthcare facility. 6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 30 seconds. 7. Cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. 8. Isolate your living space. Always maintain a distance of 2m from family or roommates you live with. 9. Do not share your personal items with others. Use separate towels, tableware, and cellphones. 10. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Together, we stand resolute in the fight against COVID-19 2020.7.13.

▲ 베트남어·캄보디아어·러시아어

COVID-19 Response Guidelines, 9th Edition, Appendix 5: 10 Guidelines for people with Symptoms If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please keep these 10 guidelines *Major symptoms of COVID-19 fever (37.5°C/99.5°F or higher), cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, and pneumonia cough cough 1. Do not go to school or work and avoid going out; stay home and rest. 2. When making medical appointments, notify your healthcare provider that you are showing clinical symptoms of COVID-19. 3. Monitor if clinical symptoms persist or get worse. 4. If fever persists or symptoms worsen, ① Dial the KCDC Call Center at (1333, local area code + 120) or your local health center for inquiries ② Visit a screening clinic and have a health care provider look at you * When using an ambulance by dialing 119, notify the operator that you show clinical symptoms of COVID-19 5. Use a personal vehicle and wear a facemask when visiting a healthcare facility. 6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 30 seconds. 7. Cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. 8. Isolate your living space. Always maintain a distance of 2m from family or roommates you live with. 9. Do not share your personal items with others. Use separate towels, tableware, and cellphones. 10. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Together, we stand resolute in the fight against COVID-19 2020.7.13.

▲ 네팔어·라오스어·몽골어

COVID-19 Response Guidelines, 9th Edition, Appendix 5: 10 Guidelines for people with Symptoms If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please keep these 10 guidelines *Major symptoms of COVID-19 fever (37.5°C/99.5°F or higher), cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, and pneumonia cough cough 1. Do not go to school or work and avoid going out; stay home and rest. 2. When making medical appointments, notify your healthcare provider that you are showing clinical symptoms of COVID-19. 3. Monitor if clinical symptoms persist or get worse. 4. If fever persists or symptoms worsen, ① Dial the KCDC Call Center at (1333, local area code + 120) or your local health center for inquiries ② Visit a screening clinic and have a health care provider look at you * When using an ambulance by dialing 119, notify the operator that you show clinical symptoms of COVID-19 5. Use a personal vehicle and wear a facemask when visiting a healthcare facility. 6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 30 seconds. 7. Cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. 8. Isolate your living space. Always maintain a distance of 2m from family or roommates you live with. 9. Do not share your personal items with others. Use separate towels, tableware, and cellphones. 10. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Together, we stand resolute in the fight against COVID-19 2020.7.13.

▲ 인도네시아어·스리랑카어·파키스탄어

COVID-19 Response Guidelines, 9th Edition, Appendix 5: 10 Guidelines for people with Symptoms If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please keep these 10 guidelines *Major symptoms of COVID-19 fever (37.5°C/99.5°F or higher), cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, and pneumonia cough cough 1. Do not go to school or work and avoid going out; stay home and rest. 2. When making medical appointments, notify your healthcare provider that you are showing clinical symptoms of COVID-19. 3. Monitor if clinical symptoms persist or get worse. 4. If fever persists or symptoms worsen, ① Dial the KCDC Call Center at (1333, local area code + 120) or your local health center for inquiries ② Visit a screening clinic and have a health care provider look at you * When using an ambulance by dialing 119, notify the operator that you show clinical symptoms of COVID-19 5. Use a personal vehicle and wear a facemask when visiting a healthcare facility. 6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 30 seconds. 7. Cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. 8. Isolate your living space. Always maintain a distance of 2m from family or roommates you live with. 9. Do not share your personal items with others. Use separate towels, tableware, and cellphones. 10. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Together, we stand resolute in the fight against COVID-19 2020.7.13.

▲ 동티모르어·방글라데시어·미얀마어·키르기즈스탄어

COVID-19 Response Guidelines, 9th Edition, Appendix 5: 10 Guidelines for people with Symptoms If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please keep these 10 guidelines *Major symptoms of COVID-19 fever (37.5°C/99.5°F or higher), cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, and pneumonia cough cough 1. Do not go to school or work and avoid going out; stay home and rest. 2. When making medical appointments, notify your healthcare provider that you are showing clinical symptoms of COVID-19. 3. Monitor if clinical symptoms persist or get worse. 4. If fever persists or symptoms worsen, ① Dial the KCDC Call Center at (1333, local area code + 120) or your local health center for inquiries ② Visit a screening clinic and have a health care provider look at you * When using an ambulance by dialing 119, notify the operator that you show clinical symptoms of COVID-19 5. Use a personal vehicle and wear a facemask when visiting a healthcare facility. 6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 30 seconds. 7. Cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. 8. Isolate your living space. Always maintain a distance of 2m from family or roommates you live with. 9. Do not share your personal items with others. Use separate towels, tableware, and cellphones. 10. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Together, we stand resolute in the fight against COVID-19 2020.7.13.

▲ 태국어·필리핀어·우즈벡어·아랍어

※ 포스터 이용 참고사항

우측 상단에 있는 바는 문자를 읽는 데 어려움을 겪는 분들을 위해,

인쇄물을 소리로 읽어주는 '음성지원 바코드(보이스아이코드*)'니다.

스마트폰에서 '보이스아이 앱'을 설치하셔서 이용하실 수 있습니다.

*보이스아이코드는 '인쇄 환경(온라인X)'에서만 활용 가능합니다.

온라인 환경에서는 보이스아이코드 이용이 어렵습니다.


*다국어 지원 협력: 한국보건산업진흥원(KHIDI) 국제의료홍보팀 ·한국국제보건의료재단(KOFIH) 민관협력사업부

본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.