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2020 말라리아 다국어 예방홍보 포스터, 리플릿
  • 작성일2020-08-11
  • 최종수정일2020-08-31
  • 작성자인수공통감염병관리과
  • 연락처043-719-7171

외국인 대상 말라리아 예방홍보물 (포스터, 리플릿) 입니다.

 * 언어종류 : 7종 (영어, 일어, 중국어, 베트남어, 캄보디아어, 태국어, 필리핀어)

The best way to prevent malaria is to avoid mosquito bites. Do's for the prevention of malaria Do fewer activities at night. reduce activities from dusk until dawn. put on light clored clothing with long sleeves. put on light colored clothing with long sleeves when going outside. use mosquito repellent or insecticide. use a mosquito repellent when going outside. use indoor registered insecticide. chek mosquito nets. check mosquito nets before going to sleep to prevent mosquitos from flying into a room.

Malaria prevention korea is not a malaria-free country, still remains endemic area. What is Malaria? Malaria is an acute febrile illness in which a mosquito (carrier) infected by the malaria parasite (pathogen) bites a human. The mosquito spreading malaria in Korea is the female anopheles mosquito. A female anopheles mosquito rests its tail in the air, unlike other species of mosquitos, and doesn’t make a whizzing sound when flying. So, we need to be more cautious about it. The angle of a female anopheles mosquito body to the wall. A mosquito body parallel to the wall. How to prevent Malaria - The Top Six Tips 1.Stay in well-screened indoors at night The malaria-carrying female Anopheles mosquito usually bites between dusk and dawn. Stay indoors during this time if possible. 2.Take a shower after outdoor activities Mosquitoes are attracted to the human scent of sweat. Take a shower after outdoor activities with sweating. 3.Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and pants If you are outdoors at night, clothing that covers most of the body surface will lower the risk of being bitten. 4.Use mosquito repellent As mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing, spray an insecticide or repellent on clothing. Repellents should not be sprayed on the face. 5.Get rid of stagnant water Mosquitoes lay eggs in standing water. Get rid of stagnant water from these breeding areas such as old containers, used tires. 6.Use a mosquito net over the bed Sleeping under bed-nets reduces the risk of acquiring malaria by limiting contact with mosquitoes.

본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.