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코로나19 대한민국 입국자를 위한 격리 주의사항 안내 포스터(11.4.~)
  • 작성일2020-11-12
  • 최종수정일2020-12-18
  • 작성자검역정책과
  • 연락처043-719-9212

※ 홍보자료 파일(png, pdf, ai)은 하단 '첨부'에 있습니다.  

※ 본 자료의 상업적 이용(상품화, 판매행위 등)을 절대 금합니다.

※ 본 시안(소스 포함)을 코로나19 예방홍보 목적이 아닌 타 콘텐츠 개발 용도로의 사용을 절대 금합니다.

"감염병 사례정의 및 발생동향 등에 따라 홍보자료가 최신본으로 지속적 업데이트 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다."

  - 자주 확인하시어, 최신 홍보자료를 활용해주세요. -

지역사회 예방 협력 및 감염병 확산 차단을 위한 관심과 동참에 감사드립니다.


대한민국 입국자를 위한 격리 주의사항 안내 1. 귀하는 「검역법」, 「감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 따라 코로나19 감염 예방을 위해 입국일 다음날로부터 14일 동안 격리생활을 하셔야 합니다. 공항 도착 후 주의사항 2. 공항 도착 직후부터 반드시 마스크를 착용하고 다른 사람과의 접촉이나 대화를 최소화하여야 합니다. 3. 공항 도착 이후 검역 절차에서 유증상자로 분류될 경우 유증상자용 개방형 선별진료소에서 검체채취를 실시하며, 그 검사결과에 따라 조치됩니다. 4. 무증상자는 별도 진단검사 없이 자택으로 이동하며, 입국 후 3일 이내(유럽발 입국자) 또는 증상 발현시(기타 국가발 입국자) 진단검사를 실시합니다. 5. 공항에서 자택 이동 시에는 자가용 이용을 권장하며, 자가용 이용이 어려운 경우 별도 지정된 공항버스나 KTX(전용칸)으로 이동합니다. 이동 도중에 다른 장소를 들르지 말고 자택으로 바로 가셔야 합니다. 6. 자택 도착 즉시 관할 보건소에 전화로 본인이 격리 대상자임을 알리셔야 합니다. 7. 반드시 행정안전부 “자가격리자 안전보호 앱”을 의무적으로 설치하고, 14일 동안 자가진단 및 자가격리자 생활수칙을 준수하여야 합니다. 격리자 생활수칙 ◇ 격리 대상자 준수사항 - 감염전파 방지를 위해 격리장소 바깥으로 외출 금지 - 자가격리 대상자는 독립된 공간에서 생활하고, 공용으로 사용하는 공간은 자주 환기하기 - 독립된 공간에서 혼자 생활이 곤란할 경우 관할 보건소에 도움 요청 - 진료 등 외출이 불가피한 경우 반드시 관할 보건소에 먼저 연락 - 개인용품(개인용 수건, 식기류, 휴대전화 등)은 가족 또는 동거인과 구분하여 사용 - 발열, 기침, 호흡곤란 등 증상 발생시 즉시 관할 보건소에 신고 ◇ 격리 대상자의 가족 또는 동거인 준수사항 - 가족 또는 동거인은 최대한 자가격리 대상자와 접촉하지 않기 - 자가격리 대상자와 불가피하게 접촉할 경우 마스크를 쓰고 2미터이상의 거리두기 - 자가격리 대상자의 건강상태를 주의깊게 관찰하기 - 테이블 위, 문 손잡이, 욕실기구, 키보드, 등 손길이 많이 닿는 곳은 표면을 자주 닦기 - 다수와 접촉하거나 집단시설(학교,학원,어린이집,유치원,사회복지시설,산후조리원,의료기관 등)관련 직종에 종사하는 경우, 자가격리 대상자의 격리해제일까지 업무제한하기 대한민국 입국자를 위한 격리 주의사항 안내 개인 위생수칙 흐르는 물에 비누로 30초 이상 꼼꼼하게 손씻기 기침 시 옷소매로 입과 코 가리기 씻지 않은 손으로 눈, 코, 입을 만지지 않기 실내 환기 주기적으로 하기 발열, 호흡기 등 유증상 시 또는 의료기관 방문 시 마스크 착용하기 자가격리자 안전보호 앱 활용 안내 *입국하신 내국인과 장기체류 외국인은 반드시 행정안전부 자가격리자 안전보호 앱을 의무적으로 설치하고, 14일 동안 자가진단 및 자가격리자 생활수칙을 준수하여야 합니다. (실거주지 주소 또는 연락처 등이 변ㄱ녕되는 경우, 반드시 관할 보건소에 신고하여야 합니다.) 안드로이드 http://url.kr/9dqRor 구글 플레이 http://url.kr/5rntzH 앱 스토어 http://url.kr/f7dmWs ID:CORONA 다운로드: 스토어에서 자가격리자 검색 *안드로이드(플레이스토어), 아이폰(앱스토어) 자가격리 중 격리 장소의 ㅁ두ㅏㄴ이탈 등 격리조치에 따르지 않을 경우 손목 안심밴드를 착용하여야 하며, 이를 거부할 경우 시설격리 조치됩니다.(시설이용 비용을 자부담할 수 있음) 위의 사항을 제대로 준수하지 않을 경우 관련 법령에 따라 1년 이하의 징역 또는 1천만원 이하의 벌금 부과 되며, 준수사항 위반사실이 불법행위에 해당하여 추가적인 방역조치 및 감염 확산 등에 따른 국가의 손해를 유발할 경우 민사상 손해배상 책임을 부담할 수 있습니다. 2020.8.31.

대한민국 입국자를 위한 격리 주의사항 안내 1. 귀하는 「검역법」, 「감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 따라 코로나19 감염 예방을 위해 입국일 다음날로부터 14일 동안 격리생활을 하셔야 합니다. 공항 도착 후 주의사항 2. 공항 도착 직후부터 반드시 마스크를 착용하고 다른 사람과의 접촉이나 대화를 최소화하여야 합니다. 3. 공항 도착 이후 검역 절차에서 유증상자로 분류될 경우 유증상자용 개방형 선별진료소에서 검체채취를 실시하며, 그 검사결과에 따라 조치됩니다. 4. 무증상자는 별도 진단검사 없이 자택으로 이동하며, 입국 후 3일 이내(유럽발 입국자) 또는 증상 발현시(기타 국가발 입국자) 진단검사를 실시합니다. 5. 공항에서 자택 이동 시에는 자가용 이용을 권장하며, 자가용 이용이 어려운 경우 별도 지정된 공항버스나 KTX(전용칸)으로 이동합니다. 이동 도중에 다른 장소를 들르지 말고 자택으로 바로 가셔야 합니다. 6. 자택 도착 즉시 관할 보건소에 전화로 본인이 격리 대상자임을 알리셔야 합니다. 7. 반드시 행정안전부 “자가격리자 안전보호 앱”을 의무적으로 설치하고, 14일 동안 자가진단 및 자가격리자 생활수칙을 준수하여야 합니다. 격리자 생활수칙 ◇ 격리 대상자 준수사항 - 감염전파 방지를 위해 격리장소 바깥으로 외출 금지 - 자가격리 대상자는 독립된 공간에서 생활하고, 공용으로 사용하는 공간은 자주 환기하기 - 독립된 공간에서 혼자 생활이 곤란할 경우 관할 보건소에 도움 요청 - 진료 등 외출이 불가피한 경우 반드시 관할 보건소에 먼저 연락 - 개인용품(개인용 수건, 식기류, 휴대전화 등)은 가족 또는 동거인과 구분하여 사용 - 발열, 기침, 호흡곤란 등 증상 발생시 즉시 관할 보건소에 신고 ◇ 격리 대상자의 가족 또는 동거인 준수사항 - 가족 또는 동거인은 최대한 자가격리 대상자와 접촉하지 않기 - 자가격리 대상자와 불가피하게 접촉할 경우 마스크를 쓰고 2미터이상의 거리두기 - 자가격리 대상자의 건강상태를 주의깊게 관찰하기 - 테이블 위, 문 손잡이, 욕실기구, 키보드, 등 손길이 많이 닿는 곳은 표면을 자주 닦기 - 다수와 접촉하거나 집단시설(학교,학원,어린이집,유치원,사회복지시설,산후조리원,의료기관 등)관련 직종에 종사하는 경우, 자가격리 대상자의 격리해제일까지 업무제한하기 대한민국 입국자를 위한 격리 주의사항 안내 개인 위생수칙 흐르는 물에 비누로 30초 이상 꼼꼼하게 손씻기 기침 시 옷소매로 입과 코 가리기 씻지 않은 손으로 눈, 코, 입을 만지지 않기 실내 환기 주기적으로 하기 발열, 호흡기 등 유증상 시 또는 의료기관 방문 시 마스크 착용하기 자가격리자 안전보호 앱 활용 안내 *입국하신 내국인과 장기체류 외국인은 반드시 행정안전부 자가격리자 안전보호 앱을 의무적으로 설치하고, 14일 동안 자가진단 및 자가격리자 생활수칙을 준수하여야 합니다. (실거주지 주소 또는 연락처 등이 변ㄱ녕되는 경우, 반드시 관할 보건소에 신고하여야 합니다.) 안드로이드 http://url.kr/9dqRor 구글 플레이 http://url.kr/5rntzH 앱 스토어 http://url.kr/f7dmWs ID:CORONA 다운로드: 스토어에서 자가격리자 검색 *안드로이드(플레이스토어), 아이폰(앱스토어) 자가격리 중 격리 장소의 ㅁ두ㅏㄴ이탈 등 격리조치에 따르지 않을 경우 손목 안심밴드를 착용하여야 하며, 이를 거부할 경우 시설격리 조치됩니다.(시설이용 비용을 자부담할 수 있음) 위의 사항을 제대로 준수하지 않을 경우 관련 법령에 따라 1년 이하의 징역 또는 1천만원 이하의 벌금 부과 되며, 준수사항 위반사실이 불법행위에 해당하여 추가적인 방역조치 및 감염 확산 등에 따른 국가의 손해를 유발할 경우 민사상 손해배상 책임을 부담할 수 있습니다. 2020.8.31.

*(참고) 한국어 안내문은 내국인 경우의 안내사항을 담고 있습니다.

For Entrants to Korea Instructions for Quarantine Subjects April 6. 2020. 1. You should go into quarantine for 14 days following entry to prevent infection with COVID-19 in accordance with the Quarantine Act and the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. 2. Foreign nationals for short-term stay should go into isolation at a facility designated by the Korean government at their own expense and foreigners who are long-term should go into self-quarantine in their homes. Note that those exempted from quarantine among short-term foreigners should undergo the diagnostic tests and be under active surveillance in which designated public officials check on their health conditions for 14 days. *Exempted from isolation: Entrants acquiring pre-approved waiver through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Those holding A1 (Diplomat), A2 (Government official), or A3 (Agreement) visa or acquiring “self-quarantine exemption document” in advance of entry issued by the Korean Embassy 3. You must wear a facemask all the time and minimize contact or conversation with others right after arriving at airport.4. The diagnostic tests will be conducted on symptomatic arrivals identified at the quarantine stage and foreigners arriving from Europe, including even asymptomatic ones. The following measures will be taken according to the test results. 5. Asymptomatic entrants from all parts of the world except for Europe should undergo the diagnostic tests when any symptom appears while being quarantined in homes or facilities. 6. When heading to home from airport, using your private car is recommended. If it is not available, you should use specially designated airport limousine bus or KTX (designated cars). You should directly go home and dropping by other places is not allowed. Right after arriving home, quarantine subjects should dial to local health centers and inform them you are under quarantine. 7. Those under facility isolation should move to the designated quarantine facilities by specially designated cars. 8. Self-quarantine subjects are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. <Guideline for Quarantine Subjects> ◇ Guideline for Quarantine Subjects - Refrain from going out of the isolation place to prevent infection from spreading - Self-quarantine subjects should stay in a separate place and common rooms are frequently ventilated - If it is not possible to stay alone in a separate place, ask help from local health centers - In case outing is necessary, such as medical appointment, make sure you contact to local health center first - Avoid sharing your personal items (personal towels, eating utensils, cell phones, etc.) with your family members or housemates - In case of symptoms such as fever, cough, respiratory difficulties, immediately report to the local health center ◇ Guideline for Families and Housemates of Quarantine Subjects - Family members or housemates refrain from contact with self-quarantine subject as much as possible - When contact with the subject is unavoidable, wear a facemask and maintain a 2-meter distance - Closely monitor health condition of self-quarantine subject - Frequently clean commonly touched surfaces including tabletops, door knobs, bathroom fixtures, keyboards, and etc. - If your work involves coming into contact with many people or if you work in a publicly used venue (including but not limited to school, private classes, preschool, kindergarten, social welfare facility, postpartum care center, and healthcare institution), you need to limit or reduce your work capacity as best as possible to minimize contact until the end of the quarantine period. 9. If you do not fully comply with those stated above, you will face up to 1 year in prison or a 10-million won fine in accordance with the relevant laws. In case the infectious disease spreads or additional infection control measure is implemented including facility closure due to violation of the regulations, such violators may be subject to claims for damages. Also, they could face cancellation of visa (residency status), deportation, or ban on reentry into Korea, etc. <Personal Hygiene> - Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for over 30 seconds - Cover your nose and mouth using your upper sleeves when coughing - Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands - Frequently ventilate your rooms - Wear a mask in case any symptom appears including fever, or respiratory symptom, or you visit a medical institution <Usage of self-quarantine safety protection app> *Self-quarantine subjects among entrants from abroad are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. (ID : CORONA)

For Entrants to Korea Instructions for Quarantine Subjects April 6. 2020. 1. You should go into quarantine for 14 days following entry to prevent infection with COVID-19 in accordance with the Quarantine Act and the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. 2. Foreign nationals for short-term stay should go into isolation at a facility designated by the Korean government at their own expense and foreigners who are long-term should go into self-quarantine in their homes. Note that those exempted from quarantine among short-term foreigners should undergo the diagnostic tests and be under active surveillance in which designated public officials check on their health conditions for 14 days. *Exempted from isolation: Entrants acquiring pre-approved waiver through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Those holding A1 (Diplomat), A2 (Government official), or A3 (Agreement) visa or acquiring “self-quarantine exemption document” in advance of entry issued by the Korean Embassy 3. You must wear a facemask all the time and minimize contact or conversation with others right after arriving at airport.4. The diagnostic tests will be conducted on symptomatic arrivals identified at the quarantine stage and foreigners arriving from Europe, including even asymptomatic ones. The following measures will be taken according to the test results. 5. Asymptomatic entrants from all parts of the world except for Europe should undergo the diagnostic tests when any symptom appears while being quarantined in homes or facilities. 6. When heading to home from airport, using your private car is recommended. If it is not available, you should use specially designated airport limousine bus or KTX (designated cars). You should directly go home and dropping by other places is not allowed. Right after arriving home, quarantine subjects should dial to local health centers and inform them you are under quarantine. 7. Those under facility isolation should move to the designated quarantine facilities by specially designated cars. 8. Self-quarantine subjects are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. <Guideline for Quarantine Subjects> ◇ Guideline for Quarantine Subjects - Refrain from going out of the isolation place to prevent infection from spreading - Self-quarantine subjects should stay in a separate place and common rooms are frequently ventilated - If it is not possible to stay alone in a separate place, ask help from local health centers - In case outing is necessary, such as medical appointment, make sure you contact to local health center first - Avoid sharing your personal items (personal towels, eating utensils, cell phones, etc.) with your family members or housemates - In case of symptoms such as fever, cough, respiratory difficulties, immediately report to the local health center ◇ Guideline for Families and Housemates of Quarantine Subjects - Family members or housemates refrain from contact with self-quarantine subject as much as possible - When contact with the subject is unavoidable, wear a facemask and maintain a 2-meter distance - Closely monitor health condition of self-quarantine subject - Frequently clean commonly touched surfaces including tabletops, door knobs, bathroom fixtures, keyboards, and etc. - If your work involves coming into contact with many people or if you work in a publicly used venue (including but not limited to school, private classes, preschool, kindergarten, social welfare facility, postpartum care center, and healthcare institution), you need to limit or reduce your work capacity as best as possible to minimize contact until the end of the quarantine period. 9. If you do not fully comply with those stated above, you will face up to 1 year in prison or a 10-million won fine in accordance with the relevant laws. In case the infectious disease spreads or additional infection control measure is implemented including facility closure due to violation of the regulations, such violators may be subject to claims for damages. Also, they could face cancellation of visa (residency status), deportation, or ban on reentry into Korea, etc. <Personal Hygiene> - Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for over 30 seconds - Cover your nose and mouth using your upper sleeves when coughing - Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands - Frequently ventilate your rooms - Wear a mask in case any symptom appears including fever, or respiratory symptom, or you visit a medical institution <Usage of self-quarantine safety protection app> *Self-quarantine subjects among entrants from abroad are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. (ID : CORONA)

For Entrants to Korea Instructions for Quarantine Subjects April 6. 2020. 1. You should go into quarantine for 14 days following entry to prevent infection with COVID-19 in accordance with the Quarantine Act and the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. 2. Foreign nationals for short-term stay should go into isolation at a facility designated by the Korean government at their own expense and foreigners who are long-term should go into self-quarantine in their homes. Note that those exempted from quarantine among short-term foreigners should undergo the diagnostic tests and be under active surveillance in which designated public officials check on their health conditions for 14 days. *Exempted from isolation: Entrants acquiring pre-approved waiver through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Those holding A1 (Diplomat), A2 (Government official), or A3 (Agreement) visa or acquiring “self-quarantine exemption document” in advance of entry issued by the Korean Embassy 3. You must wear a facemask all the time and minimize contact or conversation with others right after arriving at airport.4. The diagnostic tests will be conducted on symptomatic arrivals identified at the quarantine stage and foreigners arriving from Europe, including even asymptomatic ones. The following measures will be taken according to the test results. 5. Asymptomatic entrants from all parts of the world except for Europe should undergo the diagnostic tests when any symptom appears while being quarantined in homes or facilities. 6. When heading to home from airport, using your private car is recommended. If it is not available, you should use specially designated airport limousine bus or KTX (designated cars). You should directly go home and dropping by other places is not allowed. Right after arriving home, quarantine subjects should dial to local health centers and inform them you are under quarantine. 7. Those under facility isolation should move to the designated quarantine facilities by specially designated cars. 8. Self-quarantine subjects are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. <Guideline for Quarantine Subjects> ◇ Guideline for Quarantine Subjects - Refrain from going out of the isolation place to prevent infection from spreading - Self-quarantine subjects should stay in a separate place and common rooms are frequently ventilated - If it is not possible to stay alone in a separate place, ask help from local health centers - In case outing is necessary, such as medical appointment, make sure you contact to local health center first - Avoid sharing your personal items (personal towels, eating utensils, cell phones, etc.) with your family members or housemates - In case of symptoms such as fever, cough, respiratory difficulties, immediately report to the local health center ◇ Guideline for Families and Housemates of Quarantine Subjects - Family members or housemates refrain from contact with self-quarantine subject as much as possible - When contact with the subject is unavoidable, wear a facemask and maintain a 2-meter distance - Closely monitor health condition of self-quarantine subject - Frequently clean commonly touched surfaces including tabletops, door knobs, bathroom fixtures, keyboards, and etc. - If your work involves coming into contact with many people or if you work in a publicly used venue (including but not limited to school, private classes, preschool, kindergarten, social welfare facility, postpartum care center, and healthcare institution), you need to limit or reduce your work capacity as best as possible to minimize contact until the end of the quarantine period. 9. If you do not fully comply with those stated above, you will face up to 1 year in prison or a 10-million won fine in accordance with the relevant laws. In case the infectious disease spreads or additional infection control measure is implemented including facility closure due to violation of the regulations, such violators may be subject to claims for damages. Also, they could face cancellation of visa (residency status), deportation, or ban on reentry into Korea, etc. <Personal Hygiene> - Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for over 30 seconds - Cover your nose and mouth using your upper sleeves when coughing - Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands - Frequently ventilate your rooms - Wear a mask in case any symptom appears including fever, or respiratory symptom, or you visit a medical institution <Usage of self-quarantine safety protection app> *Self-quarantine subjects among entrants from abroad are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. (ID : CORONA)

For Entrants to Korea Instructions for Quarantine Subjects April 6. 2020. 1. You should go into quarantine for 14 days following entry to prevent infection with COVID-19 in accordance with the Quarantine Act and the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. 2. Foreign nationals for short-term stay should go into isolation at a facility designated by the Korean government at their own expense and foreigners who are long-term should go into self-quarantine in their homes. Note that those exempted from quarantine among short-term foreigners should undergo the diagnostic tests and be under active surveillance in which designated public officials check on their health conditions for 14 days. *Exempted from isolation: Entrants acquiring pre-approved waiver through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Those holding A1 (Diplomat), A2 (Government official), or A3 (Agreement) visa or acquiring “self-quarantine exemption document” in advance of entry issued by the Korean Embassy 3. You must wear a facemask all the time and minimize contact or conversation with others right after arriving at airport.4. The diagnostic tests will be conducted on symptomatic arrivals identified at the quarantine stage and foreigners arriving from Europe, including even asymptomatic ones. The following measures will be taken according to the test results. 5. Asymptomatic entrants from all parts of the world except for Europe should undergo the diagnostic tests when any symptom appears while being quarantined in homes or facilities. 6. When heading to home from airport, using your private car is recommended. If it is not available, you should use specially designated airport limousine bus or KTX (designated cars). You should directly go home and dropping by other places is not allowed. Right after arriving home, quarantine subjects should dial to local health centers and inform them you are under quarantine. 7. Those under facility isolation should move to the designated quarantine facilities by specially designated cars. 8. Self-quarantine subjects are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. <Guideline for Quarantine Subjects> ◇ Guideline for Quarantine Subjects - Refrain from going out of the isolation place to prevent infection from spreading - Self-quarantine subjects should stay in a separate place and common rooms are frequently ventilated - If it is not possible to stay alone in a separate place, ask help from local health centers - In case outing is necessary, such as medical appointment, make sure you contact to local health center first - Avoid sharing your personal items (personal towels, eating utensils, cell phones, etc.) with your family members or housemates - In case of symptoms such as fever, cough, respiratory difficulties, immediately report to the local health center ◇ Guideline for Families and Housemates of Quarantine Subjects - Family members or housemates refrain from contact with self-quarantine subject as much as possible - When contact with the subject is unavoidable, wear a facemask and maintain a 2-meter distance - Closely monitor health condition of self-quarantine subject - Frequently clean commonly touched surfaces including tabletops, door knobs, bathroom fixtures, keyboards, and etc. - If your work involves coming into contact with many people or if you work in a publicly used venue (including but not limited to school, private classes, preschool, kindergarten, social welfare facility, postpartum care center, and healthcare institution), you need to limit or reduce your work capacity as best as possible to minimize contact until the end of the quarantine period. 9. If you do not fully comply with those stated above, you will face up to 1 year in prison or a 10-million won fine in accordance with the relevant laws. In case the infectious disease spreads or additional infection control measure is implemented including facility closure due to violation of the regulations, such violators may be subject to claims for damages. Also, they could face cancellation of visa (residency status), deportation, or ban on reentry into Korea, etc. <Personal Hygiene> - Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water for over 30 seconds - Cover your nose and mouth using your upper sleeves when coughing - Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands - Frequently ventilate your rooms - Wear a mask in case any symptom appears including fever, or respiratory symptom, or you visit a medical institution <Usage of self-quarantine safety protection app> *Self-quarantine subjects among entrants from abroad are mandated to install the “self-quarantine safety protection app” developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and follow self-diagnosis and self-quarantine rules for 14 days. (ID : CORONA)

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