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질병관리본부 홍보동영상(영문)
  • 작성일2014-03-13
  • 최종수정일 2018-05-11
  • 담당부서감염병관리과
  • 연락처043-719-7118

Safeguarding society from infectious diseases, Striving for a healthy nation with less chronic diseases. Building a healthcare system with personalized medicine Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are striving for disease-free world and healthy Korea. Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, or Korea CDC, has designated notifiable infectious diseases and implemented comprehensive effort for communicable disease control to protect people healthy and secure Most of communicable diseases are now under control. However, new and re-emerging infectious diseases and bio-terrorism attack can occur at any time, resulting in a public health crisis. To prevent the importation of emerging infectious diseases, preventive measures are taken through entry-point inspection at quarantine stations. To prepare for an outbreak, KCDC has secured medical resources such as therapeutic agents and designated hospital beds and provided risk communication to the national isolation public. Also, joint exercises and educations with private, public and military sectors against bio-threats have been conducted to enhance the response capacity. The prevalence of tuberculosis has dropped significantly compared with the past, still the incidence and mortality rate is No. 1; There are 40,000 new TB patients and 2,500 subsequent deaths annually KCDC plans to reduce the current incidence by half in 2020 ; And has established the Action plan to achieve this goal. Since 1954, various vaccines have been introduced to National Immunization Program, and several vaccine preventable diseases have been controlled to elimination levels. Currently, more than 20 vaccines are implemented for children and adults at all private & public hospitals. Aging in the 21st century has resulted in a growing number of noncommunicable diseases or NCD. Consequently, the associated medical costs have put a heavy financial burden on the households. The prevalence of NCD is projected to increase, and it needs the national support and policies for prevention and control. Accordingly, KCDC controls diseases and supports evidence-based policies by surveillance system and epidemiological investigation. It also supports community-based public health programs on NCD. As the national biostatistics producer, KCDC endeavors to provide accurate information along with personal health practices and disease control methods. organ dysfunction and failure due to chronic diseases necessitates sharp increase in demand for organ transplant. KCDC operates korean network for organsharing to ensure timely and transparent management system in organ transplantation. Also, KCDC campaigns to promote public awareness about organ donation and transplantation. With the advancements in medicine, there has been an increased use of blood products, which poses concerns of unfortunate yet unavoidable adverse effects. KCDC is operating a comprehensive blood safety management system including blood center management and follow-up investigations. KCDC serves to protect donors and recipients. KCDC, a global leader in public health research, set up values openness, cooperation, challenges and the future. In order to uphold these values, KCDC is leading health-related researches in Korea based on five strategies: Advancing the health research infrastructure, leading creative research for the future, strengthening the capacity to plan and manage research on health and medical care, and developing new medical technology and reinforcing domestic and international collaboration. As a national research institute that has earned public confidence, KCDC invests its resources into various types of researches in the fields of health and aging, acute and chronic diseases, vaccines against new variant infectious diseases, treatments for chronic illnesses, women and low birth rate, and the genome study of Koreans. Korea CDC, established in 1945, as a national principal agency for public health, has evolved throughout the history. Korea CDC consists of Headquarter for diseases prevention and control, National Institute of Health for R&D and National Quarantine Services in 13 major ports and airports. Nestled in the heart of Osong Health Technology Administration Complex in 2010, Korea CDC has been leading the establishment of an outstanding bio-medical cluster in Korea. Increasing health security from infectious disease outbreak, improving quality of life by non-communicable diseases control, producing R&D projects for tailored healthcare service, Korea CDC has proved its value with tremendous achievements. Korea now has the capacity to produce and test vaccines and blood serum and has officially been declared as a smallpox and polio eradication zone as with other member states in the Western Pacific region. Also, Japanese encephalitis and hepatitis B have been successfully controlled through the implementation of the national vaccination program, and Korea became the first to identify the causes of diseases which had previously been unknown such as legionella and leptospira. The Epidemic Intelligence Service system has been implemented to promptly determine the route of infection and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. And through the web-based infectious disease surveillance system, useful health information has been provided to the public. In addition, Korea gained worldwide recognition for its excellence in disease control and response after successfully preventing the introduction of SARS to the country and declaring measles and Lymphatic Filariasis eradication. Furthermore, the National Biobank of Korea was established to create a foundation for personalized medicine and new drug development. KCDC, carrying out research on advanced medical technologies and securing the necessary resources for the future, is striving to become a world-class institution by successfully establishing and operating the National Biobank of Korea, National Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative medicine, National Center for Medical Information and Knowledge, Biosafety Level 4 and more KCDC plans to contribute to the protection and promotion of public health in Korea by executing 6 plans under 2020 5 star Plus, with all the programs and projects implemented based on the four values - service, change, creation and rewarding contribution. With human lives as its top priority and focus, KCDC will continue its dedication to research on diseases to protect national health and improve the quality of life. For the secure country that we can trust To the happy life that we can think For your health and security, Korea CDC will make people's dreams come true.
본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.