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COVID-19 case definition
  • Date2021-02-18 17:57
  • Update2021-02-18 17:57
  • DivisionDirector for International Affairs
  • Tel043-719-7753


The following case definition applies during Crisis Alert Level 4 (Red) and is subject to change based on domestic epidemic characteristics or epidemiological investigation findings



Diagnostic testing criteria: detection of COVID-19 viral nucleic acid by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), virus isolation

Common clinical symptoms: fever (37.5or above), cough, shortness of breath, chills, myalgia, headache, sore throat, ageusia, anosmia, pneumonia, etc.

Confirmed case: a person with laboratory confirmation of the virus causing COVID-19 infection in accordance with the diagnostic testing criteria, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms


Suspected case: a person with clinical symptoms related to COVID-19 AND having been in contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days prior to symptom onset


Patient under investigation (PUI):

1) PUI 1: a person who is suspected of COVID-19 according to a physician’s opinion due to presenting with clinical symptoms related to COVID-19

2) PUI 2: a person with clinical symptoms related to COVID-19 and a history of travel outside Republic of Korea during 14 days prior to onset of symptoms

3) PUI 3: a person with clinical symptoms related to COVID-19 and epidemiological link to a domestic cluster in the last 14 days prior to onset of symptoms


Diagnostic testing can be conducted irrespective of epidemiological link or clinical symptoms during Social Distancing Guidance Level 2 or above or during period otherwise specified


* Report the following as PUI 1 and strongly encourage getting tested:

A person who lives in same household or facility as someone who has clinical symptoms related to COVID-19

A person who has come in contact with a household member, family, friend, or acquaintance who arrived in Korea from another country within 14 days

A person who has visited a facility or space where a confirmed case has been found, in consideration of the local epidemic characteristics

A person whose emergency screening test or rapid antigen test result is positive



(Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention Act, Article 2, Paragraph 15-2, effective since March 4, 2020)


A person with suspected exposure to an infectious disease is one of the following:

- A person who has come in contact with or is suspected of having come in contact with an infectious disease patient, suspected case, or a pathogen carrier; hereinafter referred to as “contact”

· A contact will be classified by municipal public health center and local rapid response team through epidemiological investigation

· In addition to the above, contacts may be added from reporting or contact monitoring

- A person with concern for infection and who has stayed in or transited through quarantine inspection required areas or strict quarantine inspection required areas as defined in the Quarantine Act (Article 2, Paragraphs 7 and 8)

- A person with concern for infection with past exposure to a risk factor such as photogen of an infectious disease

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