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Introduction of the Regulation, Guideline and Manuals for the Operation of the National Biobank of Korea and Management of Human Bioresources
  • Date2017-05-11 17:48
  • Update2017-05-12 09:13
  • DivisionDivision of Strategic Planning for Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Tel043-719-7271
Introduction of the Regulation, Guideline and Manuals for the Operation of the National Biobank of Korea and Management of Human Bioresources

Division of Biobank for Health Sciences, Center for Genome Science, NIH, CDC
Min Haesook, Nam Hye-Young, Youn Jong-Woo, Park Hye-Kyoung, Kwon Donghyok

Regulation on the operation and management of the National Biobank of Korea (NBK) and guidelines for human bioresources management of NBK were revised on October and December 2016, respectively. Five manuals for human bioresources management were established on February 2017. The regulation shows the establishment and responsibility of NBK and compliance rules for management of human bioresources in NBK. The guideline deals with basic principles and procedures for collection, distribution, and disposal of human bioresources and personal information protection. Five manuals are composed of collection and registration of human bioresources, quality control of the stored bioresources, distribution of human bioresources, protection of privacy and personal information, and standard operation of facilities and storage equipment. Researchers who want to use human bioresources of NBK and persons who collect human bioresources and want to store them at NBK can apply these regulation, guideline and manuals.
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