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Trends in Biosafety Level 3 Facilities in Korea
  • Date2017-05-15 17:43
  • Update2017-05-15 17:43
  • DivisionDivision of Strategic Planning for Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Tel043-719-7271
Trends in Biosafety Level 3 Facilities in Korea

Division of Biosafety Evaluation and Control, NIH, CDC
Yun Haesun, Sim Kyungjong, Lim Seungho, Kang Yeonho

BACKGROUND: In order to improve the living conditions of the people and to promote international cooperation, the
matters necessary for the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, ‘TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT, ETC. OF
LIVING MODIFIED ORGANISMS ACT (Act No.12844, Enforcement Date Nov. 19, 2014)’ were prescribed. This act aims to
prevent risks posed by living modified organisms to public health and to conserve and sustainably use biological diversity.

METHODOLOGY/RESULTS: A person who intends to establish and operate facilities in which any living modified organism
is developed or any experiment conducted using such living modified organism shall obtain permission from the head of
Ministry of Health and Welfare (Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CDC) for Biosafety Level 3 (BL3) facilities.
After establishment of the LMO Act (2008), a total of 60 facilities have been operated by public institutions (mainly in the
fields of health and agriculture) and educational institution etc.

CONCLUSION: Each person who has obtained permission for the establishment and operation of BL3 facility should comply
with such matters at the BL3 facility. The concern over the country’s biosafety is effectively controlled by the Division of
Biosafety Evaluation and Control at CDC.
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