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Dual-use research of concern and genetically modified experiment management policy in Korea
  • Date2017-10-19 19:15
  • Update2017-10-19 19:20
  • DivisionDivision of Strategic Planning for Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Tel043-719-7271
Dual-use research of concern and genetically modified experiment management policy in Korea

Yu minsu, Shin Haeng-Seop, Kang Yeon-Ho
Division of Biosafety Evaluation and Control, KNIH, KCDC

Background: Recent emerging biotechnologies such as synthetic biology are making genetically modified organisms easily and accurately at a low cost. However these new biotechnologies have generated dual-use research of concern (DURC) between technology development and bioterrorism resulting in changes in the global governance of security.
Current status: New technologies may be used to develop new diseases or produce pathogens as weapons. The WHO and US have been leading the response to the DURC issue and the BWC, UNESCO, and Europe have also shown interest in these issues. However, the institutionalization of general laws for DURC has not yet been achieved. The Republic of Korea manages this problems by law.
Future perspective: DURC is currently being discussed as a core concept in the security for new biotechnology. Therefore, there is a need to improve related laws and regulations developing autonomous institutional policies for biosafety management systems.
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