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Development of rotation survey method for Korea youth risk behavior web-based survey system
  • Date2017-11-23 18:45
  • Update2017-11-23 18:45
  • DivisionDivision of Strategic Planning for Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Tel043-719-7271

Development of rotation survey method for Korea youth risk behavior web-based survey system

Park Soon-Woo, Kim Jong-Yeon, Hwang Jun Hyun, Kwak Sang-Kyu
Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical Statistics, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine
Kim Soyeon, Oh Kyung-Won
Division of Health and Nutrition Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, KCDC

Since 2005, the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey System for students between 1st grade of middle school and 3rd grade of high school has been conducted to monitor the magnitudes and trends in health behavioral patterns such as tobacco use, alcohol use, physical activity, dietary behaviors, mental health, substance use, internet addition, and other risk factors.
Considering changes in surrounding circumstances and additional requirements for various survey items, there have been some suggestions to improve the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey System. The authors suggest that fixed indicators should be surveyed at annual basis and rotating indicators at every three years’ intervals. The suggested rotating system enables the survey of fixed indicators comprising up to 110-120 items, as well as 7-17 optional selective indicators, every year.

Keywords: Youth risk behavior, Web-based survey, Fixed indicators, Rotating indicator, Rotation survey
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