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국립중앙인체자원은행 홍보 동영상(영문)
  • 작성일2016-08-09
  • 최종수정일 2018-07-31
  • 담당부서생물자원은행과
  • 연락처043-719-6520

Bring innovation to public health research projects for the people Establish a world-class biobank system The National Biobank of Korea will be a leading center for world-wide public health research and biomedical technology development National Biobank of Korea Since relocating to Osong Health Technology Administration Complex, in April 2012, the National Biobank of Korea has grown to become a leading national institute for research on human biospecimens and data and their management. The National Biobank of Korea has supported Korea Biobank Project since 2008 and played a central role in establishing and managing the Korea Biobank Network, comprising 17 regional biobanks within university hospitals across the nation. The National Biobank of Korea collects large population-based human biospecimens and data through several cohort projects and the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total 17 regional biobanks collect various disease-based human biospecimens and data from hospitalized patients. The collected human biospecimens and data are systematically managed by collaboration between the biobanks and are distributed to researchers. The National Biobank of Korea manages the Korea Biobank Network, establishes policies related to human biospecimens and data, and plays the key role of a control tower for the national biobank. The National Biobank of Korea building houses the largest human biobank in Asia. Conference facilities for seminars and promotional events, administrative facilities such as the central monitoring system for real-time monitoring of Korea Biobank Network's human biospecimens and data, registration rooms for register and checking collected human biospecimens and data a large-scale storage facility that can safely accommodate over one million human's biospecimens for a prolonged period of time an experiment and research facility, for quality control of collected human biospecimens periodically distribution support facilities for providing consultation and data analysis support to researchers, and safety management and emergency back-up power for safeguarding the stored biospecimens against fire and other disasters. Human biospecimens and data management process is as follows: After obtaining informed consent from the donor, blood or urine sample is collected in addition to clinical and epidemiological information of the donor Blood sample is separated into serum, plasma, lymphocytes, and processed to obtain DNA and immortalized cell lines, which are registered and managed in the Biobank Information Management System(BIMS). The records of collected human biospecimens are managed on the basis of sample type and characteristics. Following quality control, the samples are stored in a liquid-nitrogen freezer or a mechanical freezer, as SOPs. Stored human biospecimens and data are provided to researchers upon request, following the approval of the distribution review board, which comprises experts in fields such as epidemiology, genomic research, and bioethics. National Biobank of Korea strives to establish itself as the mecca of national medical science research through an expanded scope that reaches beyond the Korea Biobank Network Driving force for Korea’s public health research, and of biomedical science and technology development National Biobank of Korea constantly strives to become the world’s leading biobank, and to promote a healthy future for all. NATIONAL BIOBANK OF KOREA
본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.