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청딱지개미반날개(화상벌레) 카드뉴스(영문)
  • 작성일2023-08-04
  • 최종수정일2023-08-10
  • 작성자손상예방관리과
  • 연락처043-719-7412

What should I do if I find Paederus fuscipes Curtis (Nairobi fly; Burn bug)?Q1. What is Paederus fuscipes Curtis (“Nairobi fly; Burn bug”)? Paederus fuscipes, commonly known as “Nairobi fly (burn bug)”, is a slender and small insect measuring 1 mm wide and 7-8 mm long. It is black and reddish in color, with metallic blue or green elytra in abdominal segments. Nairobi flies (Burn bugs) are known for secreting a toxic substance called pederin, which can cause burn-like inflammation and pain upon contact with skin.Q2. When are Nairobi flies (burn bugs) commonly seen? Nairobi flies (burn bugs) are nocturnal insects, meaning they are often attracted to lights indoors or around streetlights at night. They are typically found from spring to fall, with increased activity during the summer rainy season or in wet weather.Q3. How do Nairobi flies (burn bugs) cause dermatitis? Nairobi flies (burn bugs) neither bite nor sting, but when being touched or squashed, they release a fluid containing pederin, a potent vesicant agent, causing paederus dermatitis.Q4. If I find a Nairobi fly (burn bug) at home, what should I do? When encountering a Nairobi fly (burn bug) at home, avoid direct contact with the insect and dispose of it using a tool, or you can spray a household aerosol insecticide on it. Ensure that a insect screen is securely fixed to prevent Nairobi flies (burn bugs) from coming and consider using a household insecticide if you continuously find them in your living area.Q5. I have been bitten by a bug and experienced similar symptoms caused by a Nairobi fly (burn bug). What are the common symptoms? The symptoms caused by a Nairobi fly (burn bug) include erythematous blisters on exposed areas of the body, such as the face, neck, chest, and arms, accompanied by a burning and itching sensation as if you are being burned. Initially, there might be no symptoms upon contact with the Nairobi fly (burn bug)’s toxin, but after 12-36 hours, redness of the skin may appear, followed by small blisters that gradually enlarge over time. At first, the affected area may feel very tender and burning, followed by itching. However, over several days, the skin will dry up, form crusts, and eventually recover after 2-3 weeks.Q6. I accidentally touched a Nairobi fly (burn bug), can I infect others? What should I do? Dermatitis caused by Nairobi flies (burn bugs) is not contagious to other people. However, if you come into contact with a Nairobi fly (burn bug) and develop symptoms like redness or blisters, be cautious not to scratch or rub sensitive areas like the genitals or the eyes with hands that have been in contact with the bug's secretion, known as pederin. Such actions can transfer the substance and cause inflammation, leading to conditions like conjunctivitis or keratitis. If you accidentally touch a Nairobi fly (burn bug), promptly wash the contact area with water and soap. If blisters form, keep the affected area clean to prevent secondary infection. In case the blisters are extensive or cause severe pain, it is advisable to seek medical treatment at a hospital.Q7. How can dermatitis caused by Nairobi flies (burn bugs) be prevented? Avoid brushing against or crushing Nairobi flies (burn bugs) over the skin. If they land on the skin, they should be blown off or induced to walk onto a piece of paper and then removed. As Nairobi flies (burn bugs) are nocturnal and attracted to lights, install insect screens or curtains on the doors and the windows to prevent their entry. When you are outside, it is advisable to wear hats, long-sleeve shirts, gloves and among others and use insect repellents to protect the body from direct contact with Nairobi flies (burn bugs). Plus, avoid directly handling dead Nairobi flies (burn bugs).Q8. What is treatment for dermatitis caused by Nairobi flies (burn bugs)? It can take 2 to 3 weeks for dermatitis caused by Nairobi flies (burn bugs) to resolve itself so there is no need to get any special treatments. Wet wrap therapy or applying topical corticosteroids (steroids) or topical antibiotic ointments on the affected area is enough to treat it. If either method does not work, you can take oral medication for contact dermatitis, such as corticosteroids or antihistamines.

본 공공저작물은 공공누리  출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.